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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  May 5, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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re you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." one of the reasons most of the western world embraced unprecedented to mask quarantines this spring was due to the work of a single man, a man you may not have heard of. a british academic called neil ferguson, he's a professor at a college in london but he's also something of an international celebrity, best known for his dire predictions about he seemed especially panicked by the wuhan coronavirus. at one point he suggested the coronavirus might be comparable to the spanish flu of 1918, the pandemic that killed up to 100 million people. on february 28th as the disease spread through europe, he publicly endorsed the chinese
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model of quarantine, specifically. keep in mind as he spoke the words are about to seek and the videos were circulating on the internet showing police in wuhan throwing screaming citizens into the back of panel trucks and driving them to some unspecified internment somewhere. ferguson must have known the chinese government's's responsen wuhan was extreme and utterly s inhumane, he endorsed it anyway. that's how serious he was about this virus. >> one has to adopt community measures which have been adopted particularly in places like wuhan in china where you have to reduce contacts between people in the community, sorts of measures are important. if anybody has any sort of respiratory disease, they have to stay at home until their symptoms are fully resolved. >> tucker: seems like kind of a reserved academic and all of a sudden he's endorsing the wuhan response. leaders around the world paid
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attention to this, they took his advice andou locked down their entire populations, the british government asked ferguson to help design is quarantine as a member of the scientific advisory group for emergency. he was happy to help shut downad the entire united kingdom but it turns out he wasn't that interested at all in participating it personally. the telegraph reported he ignored his own lock downs while the rest of london stay trapped indoors, fergus he repeatedly invited his married mistress over to his apartment for sex and most striking of all, he was infected with the coronavirus at the time. he became sick and tested positive in mid-march, he said so publicly at the time. not longti after that he invited his mistress over. by doing this, he exposed her to a deadly virus, he also exposed her husband and her children back home.
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when confronted today, he said this. "i acted in the belief that i was immune," that was his explanation. the problem is there is no scientific proof that that's true, can someone who was sick a few weeks ago still transmit the coronavirus? we are not sure. for a famous scientist, neil ferguson is curiously ignorant of science. he's also obviously unappalling hypocrite and he's not alone in that. so many of the people making our policies are like this, almost compulsively again and again they do the very things they punish us for doing. when they are caught, they acknowledge no shame, they are entirely lacking in self-awareness, they discredit themselves without even realizing it. almost immediately after telling the rest of new york city to stay inside, mayor bill de blasio loaded up his suv with government bodyguards and headed to the gym across town in brooklyn, a government spokesman later explain the trip was necessary because his jim has been a huge part of his and his family's
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life. de blasio likes his gym so he kept going there despite telling you not to. got it. weeks later, he still couldn't stay out of brooklyn, one day he and his wife left home in manhattan and drove more than 10 miles to prospect park for some sunshine and fresh air. t.a stunned citizen happen to see the whole thing and videotape it. >> you guys have a part, you live in the middle of a park, pu don't need to travel to brooklyn. you won't even open roads for people of all backgunds. i'm not going to give it a break, this is selfish behavior, this is the epitiomy of nonessential travel. >> tucker: nonessential travel, what's that? when you make the rules, that's not even a category. just ask justin trudeau, the preachy prime minister of canada. on april 12, he released a video
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commanding canadians to stay in their homes for easter, it's what jesus would do he declared. >> as we reflect on's message of love and compassion, let's think about our health care workers and essential service workers who are on the front lines every day, putting into practice what it truly means to love our neighbors as ourselves by making sacrifices to protect their health. let's stay home for them. >> tucker: that's the kind of quarantine jesus endorses, love means staying home. for you, not for them. not long after recording the video you just saw, he left the capitol and traveled all the way to quebec to visit his family at their lake house, just like you would want to do on easter if you were allowed to do that buti you're not allowed, so stop complaining. you might also want to get your hair cut and in chicago last month, that was not allowed.
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you can't get your hair cut up at the city's mayor lori lightfoot had her hair done anyway -- when she was caught doing this, she didn't even blush. we played this clip for you on friday's show but it's one of those videos no matter how many times you watch it it drops your jaw every time. >> on the public face of this city, i'm on national media and i'm out in the public eye.c a person -- i take my personal hygiene very seriously. i felt like i needed to have a haircut, i'm not able to do that myself and so i got a haircut. >> tucker: got that? shut up, paroles -- i'm on national television. chris cuomo knows that feeling very well. last month he drove to a piece of property he owns in the hamptons where apparently he's building a new weekend house. at that time, he was infected with the coronavirus and suffering from symptoms. supposed to be quarantined in total isolation in his basement full time, that's what he told his television audience he was.
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night after night, he put on shows that revolved around his struggles with the illness in his virtuous and even selfless efforts to prevent others from getting infected with it. given all the publicity he generated for being sick at least one hamptons resident was shocked to see him out and about and confronted him about it. he responded by calling the man a "jackass loser," the man's real name is david whalen and we invited him on the show. >> i just said don't you have the coronavirus? shouldn't you be quarantined? i think his next words were "what the hell do you know about this, what you know about the rules" and i said you're not supposed to be out here -- nobody had gloves on, nobody had masks on. >> tucker: did you hear that detail? no gloves, no masks. an infected man circulating among an unsuspected population.
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when you watch television you imagine he's a responsible journalist, that's how he describes himself. in fact, he's typhoid mary and there's a vast gap between those two personas. for the average person hypocrisy is the most embarrassing thing of all, getting caught the way he did would spur a nexus mental crisis and most people, you might decide to devote the rest mof your life to personal humility in response. chris cuomo didn't look back, he blamed the other guy and kept going, he was right there on television just last night haranguing people for doing precisely what he did. >> others also feel my fatigue. i've had it, the season is changing, it's getting warm, i want to get back to it, look at these fools, fools! i know they want to be out there, it's not about you. what about the other people? i'm not going to castigate you, that's not my job, i'm not yourt daddy. >> tucker: fools! says the buff you
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cnn anchor, because if there's one thing in this world that chris cuomo can't stand, it's narcissism, he hates it. it doesn't seem tose occur to chris cuomo for a moment that he may be describing himself, it never occurs to any of these people. it's never one time occurred to chris cuomo's brother the governor of new york, new york,h andrew cuomo gave a pungent press briefing as he so often does. watch this clip and tell us what you notice. >> i think it's disrespectful of people not to wear masks. think about it, do i think local
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that's exactly what they lecture you so hysterically, it makes them feel better. they probably suspect you know what too, they simply don't care enough about your opinion to bother with what you think. that's all of them. this would be infuriating if these people didn't run the world but it's worse than that because they do. as we sat at the top, may be no single person has done more to lockdown western civilization than professor neil ferguson of london. alex, thanks a lot for coming on tonight. for viewers -- it's our honor -- who aren't steeped in recent
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history of neil ferguson, why should we care that he's a hypocrite? >> this is an incredibly important scientist as you've said a couple times correctly, he is probably the most important person in driving government's response to the lockdown, there was a "new york times" story on march 17th that highlighted imperial college and mentioned him by name as having the ear of the british government and boris johnson. l limen just today when he was forced to resign because he didn't follow his own rules or the rules the british government had put out, the guardian said -- again refer to how important he was. there is no question he violated the lockdown, he said on march 18th he tweeted he had symptoms of the coronavirus and he met this woman on march 30th, that is not outside the two weeo limit, it's within the limit -- there's no way around that. inone of the great ironies, she said i thought it was one
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household, i don't know what her husband or children think of that.. >> tucker: the irony here is overwhelming but at its root, it's a real person making these decisions and i wonder what does it tell you about what neil ferguson actually thinks? he not only violated the quarantines he espoused but he exposed other people to the virus, what does that tell you? >> this is a great question and with the way people behave it suggests that they are much more aware of where the risks really are here and we know -- i'm getting sick of people saying we don't know much about this virus, we don't know enough to know what the right steps are -- if that's true, why have we shut down the world? we do know a lot about this virus and we know the average death in the united states and worldwide is probably about 80 or 82 and we know about half if not more of the people who die in the united states die in nursing homes. we know enough to know we should
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protect those people and instead our leaders are spending time haranguing us about masks and destroying the economy with lockdowns and every day it makes less sense and every day it's more infuriating. >> tucker: it sounds like you're suggesting some of theou people espousing these measures which are really warping and destroying our society know they are really not necessary. >> if they don't know, they are all fools and haven't read the data which is publicly available, available on their own government website. and if they do know, i don't know what they are doing. you and i have talked a couple of times and for a month i've been waiting for the reality and the data to start to hit people and it's been very slow. many states have these phased in lockdown plans that have unrealistic benchmarks, oregon's benchmarks are crazy, illinois benchmarks, many of the blue state lockdown states have these benchmarks that are very difficult to meet and is it going to take people in the streets? that seem to help a little bitpl in california last week but i don't know what it's going to
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take for people to start being realistic here. not people, but lawmakers. >> tucker: let me ask you one last question, you just said about half of the deathsou have taken place in long-term care and nursing homes which is really sad, but it raises the obvious question, whyy aren't we going all in on protecting people in long term care and nursing homes? we aren't at all. >> that's a fantastic question, why doesn't every nursing home get surveyed by the state every day, why aren't they required to show staff plans that they are not going to let staff members infect uninfected older people, why isn't this the focus? there are things we could and should be doing but when we are spending all our time trying to scare people who are very low risk and very successfully -- one of the incredibly sad things about this is how many people won't go outside. they will not leave their homes. by doing that we are doing exactly the wrong things. i don't know, i don't make policy, all i can do is point
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out the hypocrisies as you so brilliantly just did. >> tucker: alex berenson who would have won a pulitzer this week if the system had been fair for your reporting on this which has been ahead of almost anyone, great to see you tonight. we're going to have more in a minute in this hour on the question of nursing homes,is nursing homes really have been crushed in a way that most communities haven't by this virus. our government isn't responding in the way you think they would if they cared, why? for now, for the past six weeks politicians across the country have banned so-called elective medical procedures and as a direct result of these misguided orders, millions of americans have been denied essential care, some have died. it turns out a number of specific procedures have been exempted from the lockdowns -- abortions famously are now deemed essential thanks to the and only thanks to the massive campaign contributions of the
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abortion lobby. cosmetic procedures are also allowed, they aren't available to you, you can't get them, you're going to have to live with your sagging neck and wrinkles but they are available to certain governors and congressional leaders and we know this because it's obvious. several times in the last couple of weeks we've been contacted on this show by plastic surgeons who are watching after we played tape of democratic politicians and they confirmed unequivocably, these people have had work done andta recently. botox, cheek implants, various other cosmetic enhancements that people get but never talk about. under normal circumstances we wouldn't talk about it either because it's nobody's business and it's embarrassing but under these circumstances when people in wheelchairs are banned from getting knee replacements, we have an obligation to talk about it. reporters ought to ask these politicians and it's very obvious who they are, point blank when exactly did you get that work done? please explain why that was an
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essential medical procedure. even by the standards of the nauseating hypocrisy we are accustomed to from our political class, this is too much. botox for me but not for the end you know who we are talking about. we've told you quite a bit about what tara reade is alleging about joe biden, but what about the allegations themselves? what are they, are they true, what's the evidence? we're going to dig deep into that specific question because the story is not going away, we'll be right back. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: we've done a number of segments on this show about tara reade and her allegations against joe biden, we've told you about biden's weird reaction to the charges, he stammered when asked -- we told you at length about the infuriating and sickening hypocrisy of the media and the professional feminist movement. believe all women? they don't, it depends on the politics.l one thing we have not yet addressed in any detail is reade's the story itself, what does she say happened between herself and joe biden, is there any evidence to back it up? we probably should've started their witches is at the beginning. we want to take you through the details of the story because we think we are going to be hearing a lot morewe about it and it's good to be grounded in what the facts are. tara reade worked as an aid in joe biden's senate office in washingtond from december 1992 o august of 1993. in a recent interview, she said
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in the spring of 1993 she found herself alone with joe biden in an isolated corner of capitol hill, she later said it was in the basement of the senate office building but it was in the senate. biden, she said, pinned her against the wall, kissed her and reached up under her skirt and penetrated her with his fingers, horrifying. she pulled away from biden and as she pulled away he became angry, "you're nothing to me" she says biden hissed at her.y she complained to her superiors but didn't provide any of these horrifying details, a short time after she complained, she was bufired, that's what she says. did this happen, did this assault and its particulars take place, we can't know for t suret was more than 25 years ago but here's the evidence reade points to to support her case. two unnamed friends of hers hava spoken to media outlets hearing that she complained about harassment at the time, reade's brother and a neighbor also say they heard something about it,
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then there's a recently unearthed cnn clip from 1993 in which an unnamed woman calls into "larry king live" and asks larry king what her daughter to do about problems with a u.s. senator. >> hello. >> yes, hello. i'm wondering what a staffer is to do besides go to the press in washington, my daughter has just left there after working for a prominent senator andwa could nt get through with her problems at all and the only thing she could have done was go to the press and she chose not to do it out of respect. >> she had a story to tell but out of respect for the person she worked for, she didn't tell it. >> that's true. >> tucker: that clip just emerged, it was found by someone on twitter and that's a real clip. reade says the woman you heard is her mother, we can't confirm that because her mother has passed away but the facts seems
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to match, the color identifies herself as being from st. louis, reade's mother lived there at ,he time. there is evidence on the other side as well and we feel honor bound to tell you about it. just last year, tara reade told a different story about what happened with joe biden. in 2019, she said he touched her inappropriately on the neck and shoulders, she said not that she was fired for complaining about harassment much less for being penetrated by joe biden, she said shehe was fired because she refused to serve drinks at an event. that was the version of the story that reade's brother remembered when he was asked. he told reporters she mentionedu him touching her neck and shoulders, he didn't mention anything about assault. a several days later, he texted reporters to say he also remembered reade saying biden reached under her clothes and assaulted her. then there's a question of her politics, we normally wouldn't
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get into that because it's not germane but keep in mind this story is unfolding during a presidential campaign and it's also playing out against the backdrop of fierce infighting within the democratic party, you might not know much about event unless you are connected to them but it's intense, the establishment people and the many democrats who still support bernie sanders. tara reade appears to be in the bernie sanders camp. intercept reporter brian grimm tweeted "a head-to-head biden versus sanders contest will force voters to have a close usok at biden again, that went very badly for him last time." he suggesting we would be taking a close look at biden? she responded "yep, timing. wait for it. tick tock." that's cryptic, was she referring to her plans to announce the assault story,
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suggesting it was politically timed? we don't know that, we have no evidence of it but it's interesting and possible. it's notable before joe biden started beating bernie sanders in the primary, tara reade wasn't attacking joe biden, instead she had effusively positive things to say about in 2017, tara reade repeatedly praised joe biden for his work against sexual assault. at one point reade wrote "my old boss speaks the truth." she was like in comments that biden had made saying hemy oppod the sexual assault of women. in retrospect knowing all that nwe know now about what reade says happened, statements like that are baffling. they are hard to understand or to explain. as we learned so bitterly during the brett kavanaugh hearing, political imperatives sometimes influence claims like this, that does not mean that tara reade is some kind of liar or ain devious
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partisan, we don't know that is true and we are not saying it hanow, we are not asserting tha. but the timing does mean -- and this is our duty -- that we ought to keep our guard up as this story progresses, those of us who cover its going forward should be very wary of being used. again, this is a presidential year. weigh everything against the facts, take nothing for granted. the one thing you can be certain of this year is you are being lied to. that's what we know so far about the tara reade story, those of the facts, decide for yourself what you make of them, we'll be updating it regularly. you've heard a lot about meat shortages in america right now, how bad are they? here's one data point, one of the biggest fast food chains in the country is out of hamburgers! which one? how bad could this get? we'll tell you next. ♪
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>> tucker: one major burger restaurant is running out of burgers, which one? here's a hint, the chain advertises its meat as fresh, never frozen. selling more substantial burgers than other places. trace gallagher isur here with e answer to that question. >> the answer in ten seconds but if you go to costco right now and you want beef, pork, or poultry, the limit is three
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items. at kroger, meat is also limited and at some wendy's in california, kentucky, and south carolina, they have temporarily taken burgers off the menu altogether. if you find meat that's going to cost you more because production is down an estimated 25% nationally, mostly because 7,000 meat-packing employees have contracted covid-19 because dozens of plants have shut down and hundreds more or implement big social distance in which limits employees and cuts production or is something elsei at play? iowa attorney general tom miller and a bipartisan group of ages from other states have now sent a letter to u.s. attorney general bill barr asking for an investigation into price-fixing, the l state attorneys general state of the four largest meat companies control more than 80% of u.s. beef and despite covid-19 problems, the price of beef is way too high especially when the price of cattle is very low. >> tucker: strange paradox.
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thanks for that report. it's making me hungry. nursing home residents face by far the greatest risk from dying of coronavirus. in new york, andrew cuomo's administration required nursing home facilities to readmit employees who had tested positive for the virus, which is demented and that policy may have helped drive the state's massive death toll. in the state of new york, 25% of all coronavirus deaths have been in long-term care facilities. the state updated to add 1700 more deaths to that total. charles is author of the book will resisting throwaway culture, he is one of the few intellectuals in this country who worries about people in long-term care and wee are glad that he does. thanks so much for coming on. this has gotten so little attention and long-term facilities have gotten so little
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protection from the government that it seems to tell us something about our priorities. >> it does. i wrote a book called resisting throwaway culture and i can't imagine a better example, a more tragic example of throwaway culture at work. it was bad even before the pandemic, terrible pay to these workers, residents were abused, virtually no government support. then governor cuomo turn this up to 11 in my state of new york and we heard him talk and go onh and on about the preciousness of human life, invaluable he said, can we really believe him based on how he treated the workers in the residence in the nursing home in new york? >> tucker: what would be the reasoning here? we did this story and it stuck with me ever since, i'm not making a partisan point, it's sincere.n why would the governor of new york prevent nursing homes -- long-term care facilities -- from banning
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employees with a deadly virus, why would he do that? >> i don't know for sure but we can speculate with educated speculation, you and i have iotalked before about the possibility of there being rationing in new york and other places, it turns out there wasn't the need for it. but do we have todr revisit that question again? many thousands of people in this country and hundreds in new york died at nursing homes and died at their homes in fact, alone in their homes. these people, many should have been in hospitals, what would've happened ifve they would've went to hospitals? that's an important question that hasn't been asked thaten needs to be asked. >> tucker: i think what you're suggesting is the policy encouraged people to stay in nursing homes, not get hospital treatment because our authorities didn't want hospitals crowded with really old people and so they died more frequently, is that what you're
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saying? >> it's a possibility we have to consider. what possible reason could there be for sending covid positive patients back to nursing homes who had no ppe, no training and who knows?o but the best thing i can come up with as they didn't want the hospitals to be overwhelmed, if they took down and made sure they weren't dying alone without their families being able to see them, what would have happened? may be we would've had stories we all thought were going to happen. >> tucker: maybe, it's something we should examine. i'm worried that we won't come in the crush of so much going on to'll never get to the bottom of that but it seems like one of the key bad decisions made during this whole thing.s i hope we find out, thank you for your help on this. t
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andy lack who ran nbc news is gone, he left yesterday and was ousted. but the story hasn't ended, new reports indicate the doj is investigating the culture of abuse that andy lack oversaw at the company. that raises a lot of questions like why is president noah oppenheim still employed by nbc, nicole wallace, did she speak up opabout this? why did she support andy lack? we also expect to confirm a fox news alert during this break, some major news, standby for that. ♪ every financial plan needs a cfp® professional --
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>> tucker: here's the fox news alert we promised, ruth bader ginsburg has been hospitalized once again at this hour, the 87-year-old justice
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suffered onga infection appareny caused by a gallstone. she is expected to participate in supreme court oral arguments tomorrow, we will continue to monitor the story for developments. it took far too long but itwe looks like nbc head andy lack is finally leaving nbc news almost three years after he was exposed covering up for a serial predator, harvey weinstein. even more justice could be on the way, the story keeps growing. we discussed a possible government investigation to harassment at nbc with a former producer who worked on the weinstein story. i have heard that new york attorney general's office is investigating nbc on sexual abuse, sexual harassment claims. >> that is true, i'm aware of it, i've been looking into it for a story. it wasas the new york
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attorney general's office civil division, we're not sure if it could be anything criminal but i know they are interviewing employees over a number of months. >> tucker: that was rich mccue, a long timeme nbc producer who worked on the harvey weinstein story. there is new evidence that the investigation he referred to is in progress. according to variety, the new york attorney general's office has been investigating nbc news since last fall. elizabeth webmaster wrote that article for "variety" and she is ojoining us. what is the status of this investigation, what are they looking at the? >> right now we are actually unclear if the investigation is still pending, i have sources who told me i that with the coronavirus pandemic, it could possibly be but there's no reason to believe it is not currently ongoing. the district attorney's office did not get back to me on that
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but what i can tell you is i have heard from a numerous sources and a few women on the record who were questioned by the attorney general's office, they started to speak with them in the fall, the latest that they spoke to them was in january. the basis of this probe into nbc news was for gender discrimination and retaliation based p on sexual harassment, these women have spoken up whether it was to the media or internal reporting to human resources or there was on-air talent who covered m these stors about matt lauer, about harvey weinstein on air and they rvre retaliated. in my report published today, some of the women who were questioned by the attorney general's office were megyn kelly and we all know what happened with her at nbc and alsoed linda vester, she's a former war correspondent and fox news journalist and about
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two years ago she confirmed her allegations against tom brokaw which she broke exclusively with us at "variety." >> tucker: we spoke with some people today too, there are a lot of them. andy lack left yesterday. noah oppenheim was the other executive, there he is on the right who helped squash the weinstein story, in between them weis nicole wallace who is currently an anchor. a friend of theirs. it does raise the question, have scurrent nbc employees complaind about the behavior of their executives or are they backing the executives? where are they? >> i've spoken too many people within nbc past and present. the general consensus has been hallelujah, andy lack is finally out, it took too long. but people are still saying there's more that has to be done.oo
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you mentioned noah oppenheim. he was heavily mentioned in ronan farrow's book, rich mccue is ronan farrow's producer. it doesn't take a genius to figure out that andy lack's successor was going to be noah oppenheim and now he's going to be replaced by someone else, that's probably not good news. >> tucker: it's really hard to see how nicole wallace stays at that network, obviously i'm not in charge of hr but given everything we know it's hard to imagine she'll keep her job. thank you.u. i know you'll be the first to break it if she leaves. up next, china has erected the world's largest censorship regime to hide the truth from its own people. hollywood movie studios are part of that play, they play along with the communist party to gain access to the chinese market. studios in california have censored and rewritten american films to please china, the upcoming top gun sequel was censored, tom cruise iconic flight jacket was changed, and
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no longer has a taiwanese flag. this is an outrage, senator ted cruz is infuriated tby it and says it's time for e government to punish studios who grovel i before their chinese masters. he joins us tonight. thanks so much for coming on. >> the problem with china generally is enormous and this should be a wake-up call to the entire world, this pandemic that is playing out. the problem with censorship is a massive problem within china. china's own censorship and cover-up of this pandemic helped produce a 257,000 deaths worldwide and when it comes to hollywood, hollywoodan is not an innocent bystander here. hollywood is fully complicit, hollywood works with the chinese sensors, hollywood has been willing over and over again, there's so much money at stake. you pointed out top gun, think about that for a second. the original top gun may have been the greatest navy recruiting film ever made.
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they didn't just change the taiwanese flag, they also remove the japanese flag, both of them were on the back of maverick's jacket and the studios didn'twe want to take off the chinese sensors so they pulled it down. what are we saying to the world that the maverick is afraid of the chinese communists? i'll give you another example. "bohemian rhapsody," fabulous movie, terrific biopic of freddie mercury, the lead singer of queen. thee chinese sensors demanded they edit out scenes showing that freddie mercury was gay. pause to think about how many hollywood producers like virtue signal about their courage and free speech and artistic integrity and they happily try to edit out the fact rithat freddie mercury was gay? its extraordinary. i've introduced -- >> tucker: i never saw a press release from human rights
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campaign complaining about that, i wonder why. >> i pointed this out the other day and several lgbt magazines began attacking me, how dare can ted cruz stand up and fight for gay rights. i am against censorship and against chinese communists and i believe in truth. you can't tell freddie mercury's life without acknowledging that he was gay, it was a big part of his life, and he was an incredibly talented musician. >> 2 tucker: in 20 seconds, tell me what the senate can do about this. >> the pentagon assists hollywood over and over again with access tohe planes, ships, assets, a thousand movies, i introduced legislation that says you don't get to use pentagon assets if you're going to cooperate with chinese sensors, we aren't going to facilitate chinese communist censorship. >> tucker: amen, good for you, i hope you yank their tax credits too. great to see you, thank you for doing y that.
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dr. marc siegel up next with some pretty amazing news on the progression of the coronavirus. we'll be right back. ♪ used. confused about what, everything ok? yeah, i only see one price on my phone bill. that doesn't sound confusing mama. you're on t-mobile, taxes and fees are included. oh come on, there's always extra fees! not on t-mobile mama. why can't all my bills be like this? i don't know mama. bye mama, love you. anthony? umph! at t-mobile, taxes and fees are included. and right now, when you switch your family, get 4 lines of unlimited for just $35 a line.
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♪ >> tucker: for the past two months, you've been threatened with arrest if you go outside. but for the wrong reasons. why do we say this? because of models. computer programs pretty good a catastrophe if we did and shut
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down the society. those models were wrong, yet very wrong, yet we are still making policy based on those models. why are we doing that? dr. marc siegel joins us with more on that. the coronavirus could beor mutating in a good way. doctor, thanks for coming on tonight. >> tucker, you talked about neil ferguson earlier on the show and neil ferguson has been advising the government in the united kingdom. meanwhile years ago he said that 200 million people were going to die of bird flu. 200 million. it ended up being about 100. under the coronavirus situation, he said that 2.2 million people were going to die in the united states alone as of march. it isn't the only other side of the pause we have this issue, over here johns hopkins university just this past week has said that there is going to be 200,000 cases a day by june with 3,000 people dying. the more moderate institute of health metrics and evaluation is
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now upping their numbers from one week. they now say by august, instead of 65,000 people dying it's going to be 135,000 in one week. they doubled their numbers. whatnu does all of this mean? that it's pure speculation. that mathematical modeling is based on numbers we don't have. how many people actually have coronavirus, covid-19? how contagious is it? how many astigmatic cases are there? we don't know. your speculation, like merlin withli his crystal ball. speculation, here's more speculation. a group in los alamos has looked at covid-19, sars-covid-2, says it's becoming much more contagious. a group in arizona state is saying it's becoming weaker, contagious, weaker. those are speculation based on tiny molecules but our own dr. dr. khalil in nebraska, you had
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him on the show, i terrific scientist out of the breath medicine that's seen more patients with covid-19 more than anyone has said that this virus as far as he can tell is currently stable. tucker? >> tucker: so not getting stronger and not getting weaker. very quick, and a few seconds, do you think that our models, our projection models are being upped it often enough in this country? >> i think they are being updated often enough but with inaccurate information. i don't't think we should be making decisions based on these models but we need to be making these discussions based on real data, real cases, on more testing, all knowing what's happening. we are scaring ourselves even more than we are already scared unnecessarily. >> tucker: clearly smart point, as always. dr. siegel, thank you for that update. great to see you. >> thanks, tucker.
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>> tucker: that's about it for this hour. boy, it went quick. things usually do. have the best night. hopefully it's with the ones you love. sean hannity stands by in new york city. to the greek sean hannity desk, we'll sweep you away >> sean: thank you for your time. >> tucker: thank you, sean. >> sean: we bring you to fox news alert, supreme court justice ruth get a b and there'p has been hospitalized. wehe also began, the crisis in liberal cities and states all across the country. what we have are highly packed, a highly regulated blue states and they'd like the rest of america at the paper all their debts, their deficits, and all these unfunded pensions they already pay foral themselves in their own state. here's the rules. wasteful spending, noncovid


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